About Us
DragonGaz, a success story since 1993

About Us

DragonGaz, the origins

DragonGaz sp. Z o.o. (limited liability company) was established as a company of Polish commercial law in September 1993 in Wroclaw. Main and the only shareholder was German company Drachen-Propangas GmbH, headquartered in Frankfurt am Main. Since 1995 the company has been responsible for the LPG distribution in Germany. Since 2015, in connection with the Owners’ decisions, the shares have been sold to Veroniki Holding s.a. (joint-stock company) with headquarters in Milan. DragonGaz sp. Z o.o. (limited liability company) started supplying the first tank customers in technical propane at the beginning of 1994. The first LPG storage facility was purchased in 1995 in Opole. In the same year,  cylinders LPG distribution have started. In the initial period of operations, in 1994 – 1997, DragonGaz sp. Z o.o. distributed liquid gas to the reservoirs in the provinces of Dolnyśląsk and Wielkopolska. The scope of the company’s activity has been extended to the whole Poland since 1998. In 2008, DragonGaz wanted to strengthen its position at the market in Northern Poland. That is the reason why the company bought liquefied petroleum gas reservoirs in Redaki in the district of Iława, from Orlengaz sp. Z o.o.


In 2015, the Company decided to expand its business profile by distributing liquid fuel. In connection with this project, it acquired and sells motor fuels from two petrol stations in Dolnyśląsk province.

DragonGaz today

DragonGaz today

DragonGaz is part of Veroniki Holding, founded in 2010 by Daniela Veronica Gusa de Dragan as the unique coordination body of the Dragan Group.

Today Veroniki Holding is present in 8 European countries (Italy, Greece, Germania, Romania, Poland, Serbia, France and Spain), with 1390 employees, where it operates with 35 entities in the following sectors:

  • LPG, the Group’s core business;
  • Renewable energies;
  • Electricity and natural gas;
  • Naval;
  • Real estate;
  • Medical and wellness;
  • Food packaging;
  • Cultural and teaching.
Widespread distribution network

DragonGaz: a capillary network at the service of its customers

Dragongaz operates within the structure of two sales offices, it has two liquefied gas bottling plants. DragonGaz ranks fourth in Poland in the segment of tank installations in terms of the number of supplied gas tanks. The company has a warehouse and transport infrastructure necessary to secure and properly service customers in the country.

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